Thursday, January 11, 2007

This is the courtyard of the Biblioteca Publica in the center of town. This is where I "hang" out a lot everyday after class. For a nominal fee, you can borrow books, and I´ve taken out dictionaries and Spanish grammar books. They also have all sorts of activities (including Sunday morning house tours), lectures, an Internet cafe, a patio cafe where I often have lunch, and other amenities. There are a lot of "gringos", but I´ve discovered that some of them are REALLY interesting and accomplished people. I promise to send more photos of the town in a later posting. The weather is wonderful, although a bit cold during the night and in the morning. Oh, by the way, my young Canadian friend and I started our salsa lessons yesterday evening. It was fun! And tonight a group of us went to a "cantina" for a beer and danced to a jukebox. This Sunday I´m going to Guanajuato with a gal from my Spanish class and her house guest--both nice women from NYC: the first teaches film at CCNY and is a film maker and the second is a professor of film studies at NYU.


At January 12, 2007 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Hilary,

I remember Guanajuato and los momias. It's a very interesting and picturesque town. There is a street so narrow that lovers were able to kiss each other from their respective apartments accross the street. The name of the street is callejon del beso. You can also visit the house of Diego Riviera as well as a number of museums and churches. Definitely a cool city.


At January 13, 2007 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh! Taking salsa lessons and being blessed by a shaman! What a trip!
And learning Spanish! And meeting so many people!
Are you sure you want to come back to Paris some day?


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