Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Hello. It's Wednesday, November 15.

I added some more photos at Kinko's and am now posting some text while at the SF Main Library. It's a complicated affair!

I've been in SF for 10 days and have only had one day of rain. All the other days have been sunny, cool and with blue skies. It's so nice to see the sun and feel the wind, esp. as I know in Paris the skies can be grey and it rains alot.

'Continue to love being back here. Have seen lots of old friends (I went to a girls' school when I was young and we all have kept up over the years), who've been very kind in inviting me out and so forth. Piper and her husband took me to a lovely sushi restaurant. Candy and Brenda treated me to dinner in a lovely Italian restaurant on Clay Street and a movie. We saw "The Queen", which is all about Queen Elizabeth's reactions after Diana died. It's excellent--so well acted. Today, I'm off to see a quilt exhibit at the DeYoung Museum with my friend Angele. Tomorrow lunch with Cathy at the Metropolitan Club. And Saturday a symphony concert with Nell and Cynthia. Last night I attended on my own a book reading at Books, Inc. by Claire Messud, who spoke about her new book "The Emperor's Children". why don't we do it next year at one of our meetings, my book club friends, okay?

Next week, my son Eric, who recently moved to Portland, Oregon, is coming to visit me for a few days; and my father is coming up from L.A. to celebrate Thanksgiving Day with us. I'm looking forward to seeing both of them.

Will sign off here. Sorry my days aren't as exciting to relate as the ones I had in Vietnam and China, but I'm enjoying this part of my journey, too.



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